Here at WPS our Inquiry curriculum is drawn from Science, History, Geography, Design Technology, Health, Civics and Citizenship and finally, Business and Economics. The Scope and Sequence (found here) shows the unit’s name, related subject(s) and term taught.
Students have two sessions per week of Inquiry. One on-site incursion and an off-site excursion are usually organised each term too.
Inquiry units follow the same pattern, each unit starts with a hook to interest, excite, or intrigue the students of what is to come. Some of our hooks include dress up days, movies related to the unit of work, old fashion birthday party, clue hunts in the playground etc. Next is the information/research part of the term and then at the end students complete a project of some kind which they share with another room or year group. Projects include stop motion animation, shark tank presentations, films, Market stalls, gallery walks, an invention expo etc.
Students are assessed against the Victorian Curriculum, which is broken up into Foundation to Level 2, Level 3&4 and Level 5&6
© Wallan Primary School