Wallan Primary School is a growing primary school situated in the township of Wallan, 50 kilometres north of Melbourne. We currently operate 35 well-appointed classrooms, as well as a Visual Arts Room, Music Room, Gymnasium and Canteen. The school oval is well maintained and includes a half-size soccer pitch area. The shaded play areas and gardens are continuing to be further developed to create a welcoming environment for all students, staff, families, and visitors to the school. A new $6.738 million competition-grade gymnasium and outdoor landscaping for an engaging play space.
Wallan Primary School is strongly committed to using well-researched Literacy and Numeracy approaches for teaching and learning. Effective teachers have precise knowledge about their students understandings which they use to personalise all learning opportunities. Ongoing teacher and classroom support and coaching is provided by expert Literacy and Numeracy Leaders and additional assistance programs are in place for students in need of extra support. To further enhance classroom programs, access to technology is available in every classroom and has continued to be expanded to ensure we are one to one in years one to six.
The school has developed a culture that strives for continual and ongoing improvement. The commitment to best practice and Department of Education and Training initiatives has further enhanced the teaching and learning environment. The Wallan Primary School Inquiry program provides a sequential and comprehensive curriculum that clearly reflects the Victorian Curriculum and is being further developed to include student voice and agency. Teachers collaboratively plan curriculum with the support of the Learning Specialists and PLC Leaders in their teaching teams in order to provide the best teaching and learning experiences for the students in all year levels throughout the school. The school recognises the importance of nurturing, accepting and utilising the school community’s diverse talents, skills, knowledge and expertise to achieve outstanding performance, share roles and tasks, reduce workload, encourage professional growth and support effective teaching and learning. There continues to be a strong commitment to individual and whole school Professional Learning, teacher mentoring, coaching, classroom observations and feedback to improve teaching practice. Learning Specialists and Leaders support teachers and teams to improve and continually build capacity.
Wallan Primary School recognises the importance of developing positive attitudes and values. The school believes it is vital we focus on the development of positive attitudes towards people, the environment and learning. It is committed to providing a high quality education for all students in a safe, caring and stimulating environment. An essential element of this is a comprehensive school-wide student engagement program to ensure student needs are identified and supported in a safe and happy environment. To further build a school wide culture that reflects our values, the school has established a “team building” program for students in years one to six. Whole school and classroom rules are clearly communicated to encourage children to accept responsibility for their behaviour and actions. Wallan PS has committed to a minimum three year partnership with Real Schools in 2024.
Achievements are publicly recognised and celebrated. Specialist programs and extra activities further enhance the curriculum and include Physical Education, Visual Arts, STEM, LOTE Auslan, Food (Yr 3-6), Performing Arts (F- Yr2), Bush (F - Yr2), inter-school sport, camps, excursions, incursions, and transition programs. Classroom and specialist teachers communicate regularly with families and share student work throughout the term on various platforms including Seesaw.
Student– led conferences, combined with twice-yearly refined digital reports, provide parents with accurate information regarding student progress.
Our student leadership structure consists of a variety of school forums for all students and creates the opportunity for student input and voice across the school. The school motto is “Working Together for a Better Future” and is clearly demonstrated through active student, parent and staff participation and collaboration in the development and implementation of policies and programs throughout the school. Parent involvement in all aspects of the school’s programs is keenly encouraged. The active and supportive School Council and Family and Friends group take great pride in the achievements of the school and work hard to lead the school forward.
We promote the values: • Do Your Best • Help Others Succeed • Respect Your Environment
© 2022 Wallan Primary School