Part of working in Partnership with your amazing community at Wallan Primary School, includes bringing parents along with the school on our journey. Watch our short clip, click below.
We had a great response this year from students who wanted to take the opportunity to challenge themselves and participate in the Australian Maths Competition. Thank you Ben Jewell for coordinating the event.
Welcome to Wallan Primary School! My name is Tanya Kirkright and I am incredibly honoured to be the Principal at WPS. Each day my enthusiasm grows as I observe many strengths that WPS has to offer our learners and our community.
In 2025 we continue our new Kitchen/Garden program for our Year 3-6 students.
We have added to our NEW Outdoor Education sessions with our students in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2. What a great flow on from "Bush Kinder" in Preschool!
We have a system based on our values and our attendance mascot 'Patch!' Patch's Pantry opens for students each fortnight and they can trade their values cards for a reward.
Wallan PS is pleased to welcome Whittlesea Music to our school. Tutors will be available as an option for families to book private or group lessons with a music tutor during the day at school. To find out more information you can enrol online at Whittlesea Music or call Elise on 0439 913 302
Click here to see our 2023 School Captains and 2023 Vice School Captains on their special school tour.
Do you know what Real Schools is?
Are you reading at home with your child? Reading each day to your child can benefit so many areas of their learning and life. It is important to hear your child read and ask them a question about the book to make them think!
Students are encouraged to wear their cultural dress or orange, the colour of Harmony Day on Thursday 21st March.
We are excited to welcome the BRAIN MAN to Wallan PS. Book into this session NOW!
Big Childcare are our Before and After School Program at Wallan PS. We have also introduced vacation care. Big Childcare has left information packs at our BASP area and school office.
© Wallan Primary School